Thank you so much for your generosity in donating an item to the Red Dress Run! Here is what you need to do to get tax receipts.

Cash, on-line or cheque donations over $20

The Charity will issue you a receipt.

You purchased something to donate

You can get a tax receipt, but you must provide a copy of the sales receipt (booze basket donations exempt).

Gift certificates donated by a business

The business that donated an item or a certificate can claim it on their taxes, therefore, they will not receive a tax receipt from the charity because they claim it on their end of accounting.

For services, e.g. painting, gardening, house cleaning, etc.:

Tax receipts are not issued for human services, sorry.

For something you created or made

Keep the receipts for the materials you purchased to make the item. Add them up and send the receipts, along with your mailing address, to the charity address highlighted below. You can not claim the work hours you invested in your creation, sorry. You can only claim the cost of materials.

Dinners, booze tasting, sailing trips, weekend getaways, etc.

You do not receive a tax receipt for what the package was sold for but instead for what you actually spend on it once it happens. When the people who bought your item show up and enjoy your item, even it is a year later than when they bought it, you need to:

  1. Keep all the receipts for the expenses that you incurred to host the people for your event… i.e. all expenses for all that you provided them.
  2. You can not claim your own human hours it took to prepare or host the event. However, if you hired someone or a service company to help you, then keep your receipt from the service company (i.e. taxi, chef, dancer, etc.).
  3. Once the event is finished, add up the receipts with a total dollar amount.
  4. Provide mailing addresses for whomever the tax receipts will go to. For example, if six people hosted the group, put down all six names to receive an equal share of the tax receipt.
  5. Reference the Red Dress Run and name the auction item so the charity knows what you’re talking about.
  6. Submit your receipt package to the charity with names of people who will receive a tax receipt to the address highlighted below.

** Bottom line: KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS for everything you purchased to make the package happen! Any questions, contact Janice at 780-974-2523 or [email protected]
** For more info see:

Send your completed tax receipt package to:

Linda Rault – Riding Administrator
Box 29016 Pleasantview P.O.
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5Z6

Concerns about a tax receipt? Contact Linda Rault, Riding Administrator at Little Bits, at 780-476-1233 or [email protected].